Life has taken a busy turn these days and I haven't had much time to update. I'll give all my family and friends a quick rundown on the happenings here. Not many chances to travel or leave the city but we are sneaking in a hike or two despite it. Nothing to write home about though.
Willow has had a busy school year and we have just now settled into a nice routine. The routine is being challenged all of a sudden with end of the school year chaos. Two field trips, a birthday party for Dr. Seuss, and lots and lots of reading. Willow is reading level 1 books (See Jane Run type books) Willow also has her first boyfriend! He was found out when he came out of the school carrying Willow's things for her while his brother sang the old standard " Willow and so and so sitting in a tree. . ." Oh, the horror of it all.
Hayden is potty trained and is out of the diaper and for good. He has a solid month or more of no accidents and I couldn't be happier!! FREEDOM!!!! He is also a very good little helper and loves helping me wash dishes or prepare meals. I think he might have a knack for all things culinary. We will see where this new curiosity takes him. . .
Brandy and I have started a new project. We are clearing brush and ivy from our backyard. This summer I am hoping the kids will be able to turn over rocks and explore the urban forest in our backyard. The ivy is everywhere and it is a menace as far as I am concerned. It's a lot of work but will be worth it.
We are also planning a fishing trip this weekend and I am really living for that event. It will mark Brandy and my 10 year wedding anniversary. We will be pulling out all of the fly fishing gear and camping equipment for this one and I have my heart set on a nice little plot right next to the river. I am hoping for a new camera too (wink-wink.)
All is well in Whislerville! More to come this spring and hopefully some really good pictures too!