Friday, February 18, 2011

Chasing Fairies

Doesn't look like much right now.
 I have lettuce coming up but it seems there are a couple house fairies (Willow and Hayden) that keep eating the new leaves as soon as they pop up.
If I had known that this was an easy and effective way to get those fairies to eat their leafy greens I would have planted lettuce years and years ago. 

Oh well, it's organic and I do suppose it could be worse. 

They could have a taste for bulbs or pine bark.  Lucky for me it's lettuce.  I won't fret with the daily task of chasing those pesky fairies out of the garden.  It is, after all, their garden too, without those diligent little fairies I wouldn't find as much joy in gardening.

Eat up little fairies, eat up!