I believe in happy endings - I believe in happily ever-afters and I believe in myself. I believe in hope and I believe in the good in all humans. I believe in who we are and what we are destined to become.
I believe that if you see the good in people that is what you will find. I believe that if you choose to see the wrong, the unjust, the corrupt and the wicked in humans that is what you will find and you will not be disappointed.
I am striving as a mother to teach my children to see the good. To see the humanity in the world. To see the happy ending. I am teaching my daughter and son to seek out the happy ending, the good, the just and what is good in themselves. This is how they will find all of it in others.
I am my child's greatest teacher. I see now that I create my world. I create my happiness. I create my happy ending. I love myself - my child will love herself. I find the good in the world - my child will find good. I respect and love my husband - my child will respect and love their peers. This is the circle of love. This is the circle of life.
I am - my child will be and so much more.
I am at peace - my child will know peace and spread it.
I care for myself - my child will care for themselves and share it.
It begins with me. Not in my words but in my actions and deeds.
I am so much more aware of the messages I send my children and now I truly feel I have reached womanhood. I have reached the true meaning of what a mother really is.
I have become. I have shifted. My attitude toward the role that I have chosen has changed.
I am proud. I am happy in my chosen career as caregiver and support (not subservient but supportive caregiver and partner as he is to me!) to my husband (yes, my prince and my happily ever-after). I hold the fabric of my family together. My husband and I together weave that fabric. When my attitude shifted the attitudes of my family shifted as well.
To be a woman, wife and mother is to have great responsibility. I feel empowered. I feel I hold something very very precious in the palm of my hand.
I am renewed and I rededicate myself to my family. I rededicate myself to myself most of all because I am my own happily ever-after as well - Without me there to create my own happiness and show my children that I can be happy on my own how could they create their own happiness and seek out their own happy ending and then share it with their chosen life love. Look for love and love you will find. Look for it and you will never be disappointed!
This is who I am and I am so glad to awaken to the grand importance of my chosen job.
May I introduce to you Victoria Beth Whisler - woman, artist, wife, friend and mother (teacher of self love and happiness).