Teddy is big in our house. Everyone has one - well, except for the husband, he has a stuffed dog named Henry. We all have a lovey of some kind. Willow has Tettin, Hayden has Tet-tet and I have Chocolate Teddy.
Occasionally, one of these precious members of the family gets lost. It is a tragic occurrence to say the least and every available body is rallied to help find the missing link to our happiness. Most days the rogue bear is located quickly without a tear shed; however, there are rare instances when panic is felt because the hiding place of the Ted isn't as quickly discovered. Oh, the tears and the frantic searching. We always find our bear though.
Well, this time, Tet-tet was lost abroad and unfortunately we had to leave without him. Tragic and most sad! The good thing however, is that he (in this case) was lost at grandma and grandpa's house or that was what we hoped. My greatest fear is that one of these days or trips teddy will jump. Jump right out of the car and fall where he or she will never be found. That was my greatest fear for Tet-tet this particular time.
Yesterday we got a visit from the friendly and always happy UPS man. He was carrying a medium sized package of which we are used to seeing. We love getting care packages from all the grandmas out there! Hayden and I are always quick to get the packages open. We will use just about anything to get them open - spoons, teeth and the ever ready key from the key chain.
This day there was a lot of peeling going on. Layers and layers of tape to peel off - what fun.
The tape came off with ease and the box was opened and the contents were revealed . . .
. . . It was none other than good ole Tet-tet.
OH, THE JOY! He was tired from his journey and looked like he needed a good hug from his trusty mate and that he got. I have never seen a child so happy in my life. This happiness by far surpassed the happiness of walking out to see the presents of Christmas morning. This was the happiness of finding a near and dear love.
This was the happiness of all the happiest moments of a lifetime wrapped into one single moment. What love for a raggedy old Tet-tet. What love for a stuffed bear that has seen better days. What love. It brought a tear to my eye and gave me hope. It renewed my spirit. It filled me with love and joy. Teddy's are an important part of our family and I am so proud my children find comfort in such things. What a wonderful way to transition from dependence to independence. Pure love!
Tet-tet is back in his place - at my son's side. Tet-tet's position of honor has been restored and my son's faith in love has been renewed. The toy trains he had been using as a substitution have been tossed to the floor. I can't blame him! Tet-tet can never be replaced and I wouldn't dream of trying to.