I just stumbled upon the most amazing thing. I have seen the light and I am in love once again. This has got to be the best feeling in the world. I am doing it again. I want more!
I am talking about running - trail running - running in the mud. Street running, running, running and running. Running anywhere - I don't care. I am in love.
Out of shear frustration I took off and it melted the frustration. I feel renewed and I am in love.
I am standing straighter and taller. I don't have to feel frustrated and slouch in misery. I am in love. This is awesome. I am doing it again!
This is how I felt when I discovered yoga. Now my yoga has a friend! Now my yoga has a loving husband. They go hand in hand and pack up and travel well. I am in love!
I am so happy I found it. It found me actually when I was ready to scream and pull my hair out it exploded out of me like the fourth of July!
I'm High I Tell You and I am Doing It Again!