None of us is exactly like anyone else, but one thing we have in common is our humanity, our very natural, understandable desire to know that at least somebody, onebody, thinks there's something special about us, something worth caring about.
~ Fred Rogers
I fell off the peace wagon yesterday. I am back on today. My children pulled me back on : ) My children care about me and that is such a comfort. I am doing a good job! I am raising caring compassionate people who want others to feel good about themselves.
Anger is a difficult feeling for most people- painful to feel and hard to express. It can help us and our children to remind ourselves that having angry feelings is a part of being human. Whether we like it or not. It's just a fact that lovable people get angry sometimes. We can't expect our children to never be angry, any more than we can ask that of ourselves, but we can help them find healthy outlets for the anger they feel - and help them know the good feeling that comes with self-control.
~ Fred Rogers