I am a firm believer in discipline. I just hate dishing it out. I wish I had a nanny to tell me what to do. I would never in a million years hire one, well, the day I win the jackpot is the day I hand my kids over. That day hasn't come yet so, I'm left with the task of raising my own children and that means handing out the punishments. I learned a valuable lesson today though. I've always used this tactic but the light bulb went off today. Humor is very effective when trying to get a kids attention and get them to straighten up and behave.
Willow is a charming little girl and she is for the most part very well behaved. Now, she does have a little mean streak and she can get very cranky. Her dad and I have a nick-name for her when she starts to get cranky and we've used it since the day she was born. We call her Cranky McNasty. I'm not sure if the parent magazines or the doctors would agree with it but it's her little clue to cut it out before someone gets upset with her. Sometimes, I even get a chuckle and a complete attitude change.
Cranky McNasty responds very well to funny faces and the I'm gonna whoop your butt when we get home look equally. I am beginning to prefer the funny face followed by hey, I'm gonna whoop some butt look. She gives me a little giggle but it's understood what will be going on if she doesn't straighten up immediately. Now, this technique doesn't work all the time but it works enough.
I have learned well to pick my battles and when is an appropriate time to dish out the heavy discipline. Humor is just one of the many tools in my artillery. Cranky McNasty may drive me up a wall at times but underneath it all I love her very much. I wouldn't be bothered too much though if we could change her name to Rosy Sunshine permanently but that wouldn't be very challenging or fun - would it.!?